Released: June 27, 2018
Oh my goodness.!!!
This book has been inducted to my top 5 list and it was unbelievable how this
booked sucked me in and the events that transpired were even more crazy.
Let me just start by
saying how honored I am to have read such an intense, delightful, and
heartwarming about a woman with a special gift as a matchmaker. This story gave
me such an afterglow and it just made me gooey inside. When I read a good book, it tends to have
some side effects including but not limited to: smiling, crying, shouting at my
husband about how good it was, staying up all hours of the night thinking about
said story, and finally almost calling in to work sick because I want to roll
around in the afterglow. Jenna and Logan had chemistry right when he saw her
running down the street in a wedding dress and right down to the very last
word. There is a ghost in this story but
don't worry, it adds to the story.
I really don't have
anything negative to say about this story beside the surprise of the
ghost. The kind of threw me through a
loop, but I ended up enjoying the contribution to the story. I really wanted to
hit Jenna upside the head with the glass shoe that she kept losing because she
really wanted to impress her step sisters. Now that I am thinking about…this is
kind of a Cinderella story with a twist and a ghost. It had a solid story line,
suspense, romance, and a great hero to top it off.
This book touched my
heart and I empathized with Jenna and my heart ached for her little bird Pipa.
This was truly an inspirational story about love, courage, and faith. It was a
thrilling ride with twists and turns along the way. Pick up this little treasure
and It is "under the blanket with tea" approved. 👍Go pick it up now!
Sorry to be
bossy, but I am looking out for your
best interest. Forgive me.!!😊😍
You guessed it....
Rating: 5 stars⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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