Author: Hope Ramsay
Release date: March 28, 2017
Rating: 5 Stars ☆☆☆☆☆

Rating: 5 Stars ☆☆☆☆☆
This was a
beautiful, romance staring the broody Dusty and not so rich anymore Amy. I do not know where to start with praising
this book, so I will start with my inner feelings. This book made me feel good and it exemplified love, patience, and
determination. Hands down, this is one
the best books that I have ever read in 2017.
I have never read a book by this author before and the book perfectly
demonstrates why you should read books by indie authors. I enjoyed myself while reading this book and
it is a real page turner and with each page, the story gets better and better. It did not
have to have the racy, hot bedrooms scenes, which I love, to stand on its
own. It had just enough heat to make its
point and it did not rely heavily on sex.
Most romance books rely on sex scenes to allure readers and when a romance book comes along
like this one, I absolutely love it.
Amy, a heiress, is suddenly kicked out of the house by her father who wants to marry her
off to some rich guy. Looking for a way
to make it with fifteen cents in her account, she stumbles on a job opportunity
that will pay her minimum wage. At this
"gardening" job, she meets Dusty and the sparks fly. I loved Amy because she was strong and I
really enjoyed seeing her character develop.
Dusty is a man with a hard shell, but underneath it all is a man who is
looking to be loved. Amy has to deal
with a family that thinks she is about as smart as a bag of peanuts and with a
community who just cannot seem to take her seriously. Dusty is painted as villain in the community
because of his drunken ancestors and the determination to preserve his ancestors' land by
not selling it the city to be demolished.
I was entertained, I
cried, and I laughed with these characters. Amy starts off as a prissy, little
princess and by the end of the story she a strong, feisty woman. The author wrote this book so well and I was
so proud of Amy that I had to clap when I was done with this book. The fact that I, as reader, got to witness
Amy's development from a spoiled brat who spent 12,000 dollars on a jacket to
an almost expert assistant wedding planner, makes this book humble and a great
read. A female character that stands up for herself with a heart of gold plus a
hot, broody hero equals a "must read".
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