Released: March 7, 2017
Rating: 4 Stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐
I was jumping for
joy when this book was released because I could not wait to read Julian's
story. Now, I have read all five books
in this series and I do not think that she ever wrote a story as naughty as
this one in the entire series.😻(purr!) I
put that effect because she made my feline come to attention and that my
readers is why I love romance. This
romance has been building in the background since the previous book and it
pulled me in with Julian and Kristen's chemistry. Julian, a billionaire
Sinclair of course, has come to claim his prize in the form a red headed woman
named Kristen. Kristen is a woman who
has so many responsibilities that it is sad.
Her mom has MS and her father has to take care of her which leaves
Kristen to run the family-owned bar alone.
The story starts when Julian, literally, kidnaps Kristen and whisks her
to his brother's wedding. After waking
up from a weekend of hot sex, she discovers that her and Julian have gotten
married while they were drunk. At first
glance, I thought this was another cliché of getting married in Las Vegas and
later realizing that "oh, we have to get a divorce" and later
"oh I love you now, let's stay married". Actually that is exactly
what happens in this book, but thank goodness that Mrs. Scott knows how to be
creative and the result is a beautiful story about love, forgiveness, accepting
that your insecurities can be a wonderful thing.
Now let's get to the heat. I was so into this
book that I was reading it while I was supposed to be working. Horrible, right? Anyways, as I was reading the naughty scenes,
I had to look around to make sure that no one was watching me and knowing that
I was in the middle of a sex scene. The one thing that made me laugh was the
amount of times that she uses "Jesus" and "Christ". It was used over 20 times and I found it
Though I enjoyed
this book, it was not perfect. There
were times when the story slowed down and the characters thoughts was almost
too much and the simple fact that this book is a little cheesy. Julian was almost too perfect and the story
did not have a real conflict other than the characters trying to come to terms
with their feelings. Julian swoops in
and saves Kristen from her life. There
was not a hiccup anywhere in the story and when that happens it can slow a book
down and make it less interesting.
Kristen would complain all day that Julian was a jerk, but would sleep
with him the next second. These types of
female characters have no back bone and does not put up a fight. A group of
friends is married to the group of brothers and cousins. It did not present any touch of reality
because the situation is too perfect for me and I rolled my eyes every time the
female character from the other books talked about their husbands. It was so cheesy and annoying. I mean I know you love your husbands, but
regular people just do not talk the way that these women in this book speak. It
pulled me away from the story and I wish that the author would make them more
All laughs aside,
this book was solid and it kept me entertained and it had the right amount of
heat that I would expect from this author.
My only advice to the author would be to save some of the cheese and put
it on something else.
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