Author: Elizabeth Perry Release date: September 19, 2017 Rating: 4 Stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐ May I start off by saying that this cover is H-O-T. Okay, drooling session over. Let's get into this review. This book took a while to build momentum, but I am glad that I stuck around because this book was good. This book is a about a pro baseball player who, dumbly, places a bet that he can get the new team's "MOM" to sleep with him, so that she can get fired. This book is told from both Laci's and Jake's pov and I loved Jake all the way. While trying to win the bet against his teammates, Jake gets to know the "mommy" and starts to realize that she is an amazing woman and starts to develop feelings for her. I will not spoil the details, but Jake was a wonderful hero and even though he suffered heartbreak, that did not stop him from having faith in love and placing his heart on the line. Eventhough Jake was pressured to take on...
I am a passionate Romance enthusiast and I believe in the power of Love and its ability to inspire and transform our lives. I invite you to join me on this journey as we explore the power of love, one captivating story at a time. :)